A new department of energy science and engineering for expanding the scope and depth of activities will soon be launched by the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT Delhi). The 45-year-old Centre for Energy Studies (CES) will undertake this course and it will be converted into the Department of Energy Science and Engineering.
Including one course sponsored by the International Solar Alliance for working fellows from different countries, the institute will continue with its three MTech Programs. These MTech courses, presently, are being offered by the Centre for Energy Studies. A new undergraduate degree program, BTech in Energy Engineering, will be offered by the new department. The new course will have an intake of 40 students qualifying JEE (Advanced) and the academic session will start from 2021-2022.
Head of the CES, KA Subramanian, talking about the new BTech program said that there is a critical need to nurture manpower. Further, he talked about the capacity to flexibly respond to various energy and environment-related challenges holistically with the required foresight and vision. The program aims to equip the students with skills to take up the energy sector challenges and to equip them with the necessary knowledge.
He said that that challenges like improving energy access, supply quality, and reliability as well efficiency of utilization, lowering the cost of energy supply, de-carbonization, etc. can be addressed this way.
The BTech students are expected to possess other competencies like a profound understanding of sustainability concepts and environmental awareness.
Graduates of this BTech program will find technical jobs in organizations engaged in a variety of activities about energy transition, energy access, climate change, and security, etc., and even in the core energy sector.