In a discussion on national television channels, the Human Resource Development (HRD) Minister Ramesh Pokhriyak Nishank answered various questions that were raised by students, teachers, and parents. He commented on the various frequently asked question which is trending on various social media platforms. It covered the question raising from CBSE Board exam rules to college and university methods of commencement of exams. It also encompassed reaching out to economically backward students during the lockdown due to Covid-19 and reopening of schools in the nationwide.
In an announcement, the minister notified that the results of the Central Board of Secondary Education of Class 10th and Class 12th students can be declared by the end of July. The leftover examinations will be conducted in the month of July between 1-15 July.
He asserted that the Human Resource Development Ministry is making efforts to reach out to every student and also trying to implement new strategies for teaching students and delivering lessons through different modes including television and radio. He further spoke about new guidelines issued for the commencement of studies which are to be followed by all the schools and colleges after they reopen for commencing the new academic year. Later he dealt with the queries related to D.EL.ED and NIOS.
Recently HRD launched a mobile all known as National Test Abhyas. The app has been developed for the students to give the regular mock test to continue their preparations for the upcoming examination tests such as NEET, JEE Mains under the NTA.
He further stated that every college and school has been asked to prepare a COVID task force that will deal with the issues that may arise out of coronavirus in the schools and colleges.
Furthermore, the colleges will conduct the exams in the month of July according to the UGC guidelines. If the situation prevails to grow worse the colleges and universities are advised to directly promote the intermediaries based on their internal examination performances.
For the reopening of the colleges and universities, the HRD Minister said that guidelines have been issued to the colleges by the UGC. It further asserted that for the students who are already in college, the classes will commence from August whereas the for new batch the classes will start from September. The reopening date for the schools has not been decided yet.
Moreover, the board exams will be conducted in the student’s own schools. No centers will be allotted to the students for writing their exams. The exams will be conducted by following the strict norms of social distancing.
The answer sheets of the examination conducted before the lockdown have already been sent for the evaluation process. The process has been started and will be completed in 50days. The new session for those who clear their CBSC exam will be commenced amid strict security measures. For ensuring the delivery of fast results, the HRD made an announcer that the teachers who are executing the evaluation process will mot have to deliver academic and administrative work for the entire session.
If school reopens at this period social distancing is next to impossible the cases will rise in manifold
Maharashtra Government should think over it
Instead No salaries should be given to teachers of aided school
No school No work No salaries
Reduce the retirement age of teachers to 50 years with immediate effect no point in keeping younger generation jobless
Teachers above 50 years takes too much high salaries this is big burden on Government
Save maharashtra from financial crisis
mostly teachers have got the government aided jobs in schools by giving bribes
Reduce teachers age of retirement to 50 years
It will save maharashtra from some financial problems