A whole new world opens up when you enter your college life. Your daily routine of going to school from 7 am to 2 pm, monthly class tests, tuitions, and playtime all change. While College life is full of adventures and exciting stuff but it also makes you realize being an adult with responsibilities. To ace in college and the future as well, one needs to know how to manage its work, how to prioritize different chores and tasks, and how to increase productivity.
At Delhi University, students need to have a good note on how to effectively and efficiently manage their time. And once you are a part of Delhi University societies, it even becomes harder to devote time equally to studies and society or societies.
Delhi University has been always known for its societies. It is a perfect place to groom yourself in college years as well as polish your areas of interest. At the same time, it is a very demanding, time-consuming, and laborious endeavor. Societies in Delhi University ask for your commitment and test your capabilities and time management every day.
If you want to join Societies in Delhi University but are skeptical about time management, this article is for you. Here, we have come up with some most important points that will help you to cope up with every challenge to manage DU society and studies. Keeping in mind, the following points, one can excel in both the streams and make the most of its college days.
How to manage different studies and societies in Delhi University| Key points
Know what you have to do
The first stage of improving your time management is to list absolutely everything that you have to do. This may sound obvious, but speaking from experience, most students tend to leave important tasks until the last minute, which can impact the quality of their work and their overall grades. When you know what to do, it will be easier to make plans accordingly.
Include any university deadlines as well as any shifts you work on the list, and make a note of how much time each priority will take out of your schedule.
Prioritize your work
Tackling the most important thing in your day first can make getting the smaller things complete so much easier. Emails, messages, and the little things can be done at the end of the day.
If you leave your biggest goal for last, such as studying for an important history test, any major society work, then you will feel overwhelmed, stressed out, and anxious. Plus, working on something important and time-consuming at the very end of the day can impact other things such as the time spent sleeping that night.
Make a schedule
Whether it’s a pin-up planner, a timetable, or a calendar on your phone, find an organizing tool that works well for you and add your list of priorities to it. There are many time management, apps, that can help with this. Also, think about when you are most alert so that you can plan your study periods around these times.
Find time for socializing, but also make sure that you get enough sleep. Most people need between 7 to 8 hours of sleep every night to remain focused and alert during study periods. In case of hectic days, when you pull an all-nighter, make sure to take a sound sleep the next day.
Flexible but realistic technique
Typically, allow around 8-10 hours a day for working, studying, society work, and practices you need to do.
Managing an efficient study plan can be a painful task while working in DU societies. However, try to keep small goals and a to-do list for the day and achieve it. Don’t take too much work to be called unrealistic.
It’s also important to remember that things often take longer than expected. So, allow a little extra time in case you spend longer on a task than you thought you would.
Don’t procrastinate
One way to avoid procrastination is to think about the different places you have been when studying – where were you the most focused? Where were you most distracted? Is there anything you can do to make studying somewhat enjoyable?
Remember, what works for one person might not necessarily work for you. For some, studying with friends can limit their productivity. But for others, studying in groups can help to increase motivation and avoid procrastination. A pro tip – don’t think about studies while society practices and vice versa, it will keep your mind free.
Don’t overburden yourself
Delhi University opens door to several activities, internships, volunteering work, and societies. Check out the list and do what you want to. Every kind of society is available at Delhi University, but choose what will the best for you. Also, an internship offers to knock on the door, every other day. Select only an internship of a short duration holding much value in your field.
Follow your body’s high energy and lows
We all have moments in the day where we’re more alert and energetic. And if you want to maximize the time you do have each day, you can’t fight against your body’s natural state.
Researchers call this our Cardiac Rhythm —a 24-hour internal clock running in the background of your brain that cycles between alertness and sleepiness.
Every person’s rhythm is slightly different, but the majority follow a similar pattern.
So what does this mean for time management for DU society students?
Simply put, you should do your most important work when you have the most energy. This means scheduling writing or more intense projects during energy highs, and scheduling reading or more passive activities when you’re more naturally low.
Take breaks when needed
One of the best ways to maintain your productivity over time is to take more breaks. But when is the right time to take a break?
According to sleep researcher Nathaniel Kleitman, our minds naturally crave breaks after every 90 minutes of intense work. Even if you don’t keep a timer going, your body will tell you when you need by becoming hungry, sleepy, fidgeting, or losing focus.
When you start to feel this way, it’s time to take a break. There are a few things you can do –
- Disconnect from whatever you were just working on. Step away from your desk or work environment and try to shift your brain away from the task at hand.
- Get outdoors you can. Fresh air and natural light are energy and productivity boosters.
- Give your eyes a break. Counteract screen or reading time by using a simple exercise called 20-20-20. Every 20 minutes or so, stare at something at least 20 feet away from you for at least 20 seconds.
- Refuel with the right food. Foods that are high in protein will give you a much longer boost of energy than caffeine or carbs.
Don’t skip meals
Since you constantly have to catch up on practices and classes, you should be fueling your body to keep up with the demands you place on it. All too often, busy people convince themselves that they “don’t have time to eat,” and as a result, they feel sluggish, fatigued, and unmotivated. Get at least two solid meals a day, and snacks to keep energy levels up when you have the opportunity.
- Pack a lunch or a light snack that you can take with you to school or during busy practice hours
- Don’t overlook the importance of staying hydrated. Water nourishes all the cells in your body, including the brain, so if you’re feeling drained after a long shift or study session, stop and take a few deep gulps.
De-stress yourself
Societies in Delhi University can be very exhausting both, emotionally and physically. Find positive ways to alleviate stress when you start feeling overwhelmed. Take a bubble bath, exercise, or meditate instead of having a drink at the end of a long day. Use a day planner or notebook to help you keep track of what needs to be done so you can relieve your mind of some of the burden. Even something as small as cooking a nice meal for yourself can help you re-center and blow off steam. Stress destroys your well-being as it accumulates, so give yourself a way to get free of it.
- Regular exercise promotes the circulation of endorphins in the bloodstream, which can cut stress, improve your mood and even enhance your body’s metabolism, giving you more energy and keeping you from burning out.
- Take a few minutes of quiet time before bed every night to shut off all electronic devices and relax. Too much sensory stimuli can make it difficult to fall asleep, so turn the lights down low, stretch out and let your brain breathe after a hard
So, these were some tips for you to handle studies and societies in Delhi University. This could be a little hustle, but it would be all worth it!