How To Calculate Best Of Four Sub. Marks | All Streams

best of four marks
How to Calculate Best of Four Marks for DU Admission

Delhi University is accepting the application for UG courses and soon the first cut-off list is likely to announce. After the first cut-off list announced, the admission process will begin in all colleges of the University for various courses in the different stream of Arts, Commerce and Science.

With the CBSE results out, applicants to Delhi University attending the open house session on Monday were busy trying to figure out what changes they had of landing a seat at the varsity. University officials discussed various deductions and additions that would apply to an applicant calculating their ‘best four’ percentage.

Procedure for calculating ‘best four’ subject percentage for merit-based undergraduate (Honours) admissions at Delhi University:

  1. The three academic/elective subjects chosen must include the one in which admission is being sought, failing which a deduction of 2.5% will be imposed on the calculated ‘best four’ percentage.

For example A B.A. (Honours) History applicant should have History as a subject in the qualifying examination or shall face deduction

  1. For admission to Honours in any language programme, an advantage of 2% in the ‘best four’ will be given to those applicants who have studied that particular elective language in the qualifying examination. Mathematics will be considered as a compulsory qualifying exam in case of Eco(Hons.) and B.Com(Hons.)
  2. In case an applicant has not studied a language in a qualifying examination and is seeking admission to Honours in that language (except English and Hindi) a deduction of 5% will be imposed on ‘best four’
  3. For taking admission in B.A. (program), all five subjects will be considered while calculating the final percentage.
  4. If an applicant does not include subjects given in List A below in ‘best four’ then a deduction of 2.5 % will be levied for each subject

For example: If an applicant includes physical education in his ‘best four’, he/she will face a deduction

  1. For admission to Honours in English and Hindi, an applicant must have studied and passed the respective language in the qualifying examination and should include that language while calculating ‘best four’ percentage merit list will be determined on the basis of one language and the best three academic/elective subjects from List A.

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List A (Academic/Elective Subjects)

BengaliFrenchLegal StudiesSanskrit
Commerce/Business StudiesHindiPhysicsUrdu
Computer Science/ Informatics PracticesHistoryPolitical ScienceZoology
EconomicsHome SciencePunjabiAccountancy


  1. In B.Sc, all subjects will be treated to obtain the final percentage.
  2. In B.Sc (Hons.), Best of Four’ subjects will be calculated for obtaining the final percentage.

What are the Other Universities in Delhi, Apart From DU?

Check- Scope of doing Economics (H)


  • For program courses, all five subjects (Core, Selective or Functional), should be included to obtain a final percentage.
  • Candidate opting for Modern Indian Languages (MIL), except in Hindi will be given an advantage of maximum 10% percentage in ‘Best of Four’ percentage in the colleges offer MIL.
  • In case of stream change, disadvantage of maximum 5%, may apply.
  • Not more than two of vocational subjects can be included for calculating ‘Best of Four’, for admission in Vocational Courses.
  • Candidates applying from medical or non-medical streams need to have at least 70% component of the theory marks, including the internal assessments and continuous evaluation in the qualifying exam will lead to the disadvantage of 10% of the maximum marks.
  • Candidate not has language subject in class 12th and wants to seek admission in any hons. Courses will suffer a disadvantage of 5% in ‘Best of Four’.
  • For B.A. (Hons.) in Social work, there must be one language subject should be included.

    Check- DU Last Year Cut-Off Trends | 2017

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~Preksha Mishra


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