The rule for calculating marks for taking admission in B.Com(H) and B Com(Program) has been changed. University has declared a new method to calculate it. Subjects have been divided into 3 categories: C1, C2 and Others.
The category C1 has 2 parts in which 1st part is for languages which consist of Hindi and English.
2nd Part has core Subjects : Mathematics, Accountancy, Business Studies/Commerce Economics.
Cutoffs are calculated based on the marks in one Language subject from 1st Part of Category 1 and 3 core subjects from part 2 of category 1.
“Students takes one language from C1 and three subjects from C1’s core subjects to calculate their ‘Best of Four’, said officials. Now the Category 2 has twenty other subjects. But the point to be noted is if you add a subject from category 2 other than any core subjects than 1% will be deducted from the aggregate percentage.
” Suppose you take one language and two subjects from Core subjects and one subject from C2 category then 1% will be deducted. For every subject you add from Category 2, 1% will be deducted from your aggregate percentage.” officials said.
Lets make it more simple:
One language + 3 core subjects = No deduction.
One language + 2 core subjects + 1 subject from C2 = 1% deduction ( deduction of 1% on every subject added from Category 2)
One language + 2 core subject + 1 Subject other than category 1 or 2 = Deduction of 2.5% in aggregate percentage.
(2.5 % will be deducted from aggregate percentage on adding each paper other than C1 & C 2.)
List of Subjects Category wise:
Language: English , Hindi
Core Subjects: Accountancy, Mathematics, Business Studies/Commerce, Economics
Category 2
Botany, Biology/Biotechnology, Business Mathematics, Computer Science, Informatic Practices, Geography, Geology, History, Home Science, Legal Studies, Philosophy, Physics, Political Science, Psychology, Sociology, Statistics, Statistics, Zoology
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DU Updates
yes maths is compulsory for (hons)
Yes, You sud have Maths, But not necessary to add its marks
Is mathematics compulsory for (hons)
Maths are an eligibility, not necessary to add marks in best of four.. But u sud have studied it.
Can we add ip in best 4 for hons
Very useful information..
Please give detailed calculation of best four economics for mpc students.
I have confusion on Physical education , it is part of best 4 or not for b-com program
Is Maths compulsory for B.Com Program? As in, I didn’t had mathematics in Class XII. So, am i eligible for B.Com Program ?
Can’t. We take physical education In place of English
Yes, There may be some penalty in some college. Depends upon college to college.
Is it necessary to add accounts in eng+top 3 for bcom honours
will extra 4%will be given for scoring 60+ in maths in 12
so that we could add in our best of four percentage?
Physical education marks are also included ?
2.5 percent deduction while including physical education is in all colleges?
Can we add ip in best 4 for hons
Is it necessary to add accounts for in best four
Can we add ip in best 4 for hons
What happens If I don’t include My English marks in Best fours? Does English is compulsion? (Actually I got less marks in This subject)
I have an same problem this year. I don’t why my marks are so less in English.I was attempt an English papet nicely so pls tell me that eng occurs any problem.can adding eng marks is an compulsion actually I have an 5 subject if am not add English marks so my percentage is 84
Frnd I have also this problem if I don’t include English mks my percentage is 95.5…………. ☹️ but after English it is only 92percent
I got only 78 in English and 95 and above in remaining
Instead of maths if we have entrepreneurship? ?then
I want to opt program so is it neccessary to add accountancy in best 4 ?
Can I not add both business studies and economics as core subjects!?
i got 75.75% in best four in 12th. am i able for admission in du and for hons
now its totally depend on your caste…..if you are under general category then it is impossible but if u have sc/st or obc certificate then there will be the chance for DU regular….
IF IT IS 79.8 SO
Can I add music in my best four? How much % will be deducted?
2.5% will be deducted from your aggregate marks
agregate means total
% or other than category 1 subject marks
is it necessary to pass in maths in +2 exam to be eligible for bcom honours under DU or is it enough to just have studied in +2?
Can we add the marks of physical education and music to take admissions for bcom….. Plzzz reply fast
Can i add my music and physical education subject in my percentage… And how many percentage will be deducted from my aggregate percentage… Plzz reply fast..
2.5% will be deducted from your aggregate marks for each subject added like music and physical edu
can i add eng acconts econmics and acounts to cal best 4?
Can i add
business studies
physical education
for calculating best 4?
ya sure.. bt there will be a deduction of 2.5% for opting physical education….
is maths compulsory to get admission for bcom prog……..
Can I include 4 core subjects instead of 1 language+ 3 core subjects?
Wht percent will be deducted if i include english,,economics and painting
Sir my subjects ar accounts, economics, business studies, english, and physical education. I want to know that my physical education subject will add or not while calculating best 4 as i scored well in that
in 1st cut off we will be calculating best four subjects or actual percentage we got in all subjects?
If I add physical education then how much percentage will deduct from my aggregate percentage.
can i replace english with any core sub like maths, eco ,bst ,accounts , for best 4 for swami shradhanand clg? plzz reply
I have commerce with physical education can I take bcom programme also if physical education is my main subject then how to calculate best four for bcom
i belong to FMM straem in class12th ( CAPITAL MARKET OPERATIONS,DERIVATIVE MARKET OPERATIONS, ENTREPRENEURSHIP ) as my subject. can i opt B.COM honours with these subject if i got 78.5% in best four with one language.
Agr best four me language include nhi karte to kon se course mill skta hai
Commerce with math stream
OBC cast
can I include physical education in Best four for bcom (pass) in du colleges
Is it compulsory to count accounts
for pass course .?
Frnd I have also this problem if I don’t include English mks my percentage is 95.5…………. ☹️ but after English it is only 92percent
I got only 78 in English and 95 and above in remaining
agregate means total
% or other than category 1 subject marks
Can i include both english and hindi for my best four in bcom course
commerce and business studies both are my core subjects can i add both for calculating best 4
Can we add both music and painting in our best 4 subjects If we can then how many marks will be deducted
I had banking 99
Accounts 80
Eco 95
Bst 95
Eng 92
I want to do bcom
What are my best 4%
Pls tell i want to do bcom pass?
Will banking be considered
I don’t know how they calculate
but I found this
I think u can include but u have to reduce 1% from best 4
please see it once & confirm
I’m also facing same problem…. please reply with yes if I’m not wrong
Can I add painting and music for the calculation of best of four for Bcom programme music is additional