Lockdown has hindered the Indian students from continuing their preparation for various competitive exams. To help such students, the state government of Karnataka has taken an initiative to make available the courses online.

On 18 May 2020, the state government of Karnataka to help the students of the state to prepare for CET and NEET 2020 entrance exams during the COVID-19 lockdown period, has launched “GetCETGo” (an online crash course). The course “GetCETGo” is launched by B. S. Yeddyurappa- Chief Minister of the state, along with CN Ashwath Narayan- a Deputy Chief Minister and Minister of Higher Education.

As per the release, the motive behind the launch of “GetCETGo”  is to help students proceed with their preparation for the entrance tests. The Department of Higher Education examined the current scenario of lockdown due to the Covid-19 pandemic across the state and decided to reach out and help students aspiring to appear for the competitive exams to fulfill their ambitions. After analyzing the possible alternatives, the state launched a “GetCETGo” online crash course program.

Under this initiative, the Karnataka Government has launched two apps, the GetCETGo App and the Edureader App. The two applications can only be downloaded from the official website I.e., 

In this crucial time when the pandemic has shuddered the entire nation, the Karnataka Government has taken this initiative to help youthful minds to not let down their ambitions due to the lockdown. The course is meant to act as a substitute for the II PU and class 12 students to continue their preparation for the examinations and not let go of their plans due to the shutdown of conventional classes and coaching.

The program is made available online and is set free for all the students who have registered themselves for the Karnataka Common Entrance Test (KCET)- 2020. The students who have registered themselves for the test will be provided with the ID and password to access the free course. The state has also provided a helpline number for those students who did not receive their ID and password.

Sinchu Infotech and Diksha Online, a reputed firm maintaining high goodwill and a prosperous track record for many years, have developed the Android App and the website portal of “GetCETGo”. The content of the crash course inclusive of the video lectures is also developed by Sincho Infotech and Diksha Online.

The ” GetCETGo” course is meant to benefit around 1,94,000 students of the Karnataka state who have registered themselves for the Karnataka Common Entrance Test (KCET). 

To login to the app or the official website, the student is required to enter its CET roll number. A student can make use of the GetCETGo Application or the official website to start their preparation for the Examination.

As per the release, a platform for crash courses with video lectures, synopsis, interactive test series will be the foremost initiative by any state. The launch of the course on an online platform for competitive examinations in the country will benefit the students on a large scale.



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