An online open-book examination has been done in Delhi University. However, analysis has just developed with the OBE. In the midst of a worldwide pandemic and the resulting interruption of the day by day life, students have been one of the worst-hit populations all over the world. This instantly driven educational institutions to receive an unusual method of educating—online classes.

In India, perhaps the greatest inadequacy has been its unavailability to a larger part of the student population. By and large, students and their families can’t manage the cost of the innovation, the foundation, and the assets, or it is just not accessible where they live. An ongoing review built up that around 60 percent of the Indian populace does not own a smartphone.

The online mode, hence, is an extravagance that many can’t manage the cost of or benefit. The situation of DU students is the same. A study directed by the Delhi College Teachers’ Association (DUTA) in the month of May demonstrated that lone a normal of 27.8 percent students could attend 50 percent of the online classes and a stunning 33.7 percent couldn’t attend the classes because of a mix of components—no PC or cell phone, no web or frail web, specialized glitches as well as a non-favorable home condition.

The DU’s choice to pass the first and year students based on their interior evaluation stamps and hold online OBE for the terminal semesters all programs in regular colleges and in its School of Open Learning (SOL) and Non-Collegiate Women’s Education Board (NCWEB) has gotten serious analysis and restriction from its students and educating network. In the semester framework, all semesters are made equivalent and the CGPA granted to the students is the normal of all semesters.

The final semester isn’t the most significant semester as college specialists appear to accept. Above all, not all students have the facilities or the resources to give an online test. As per the DUTA overview, staggering 85 percent of students contradicted the OBE.

Lakhs of students every year from all over the nation go to the National Capital Region (NCR) for a chance to study at Delhi University. DU is a place of refuge for students to learn, connect with a portion of the nation’s ideal, and benefit openings that are not accessible anywhere else. Its promotion for inclusivity makes it feasible for students from various foundations to concentrate here. As per reports, 50 percent of its understudies belong to the SC, ST, and OBC classes from all over the nation.

The accessibility of power and great web availability that the city offers is considered an extravagance in many pieces of India that these understudies originate from.

Delhi University Online Open Book Exams are unfair no doubt:

Disregarding this and proceeding with the tests are unfair no doubt, and subsequently is the OBE’s disagreeability. With the tests in progress, understudies have whined about the issues they are continually confronting. Underprepared and getting no advising on the best way to compose an OBE, many have turned to replicate down abundant measures of notes produced using whatever review material is accessible to them.


A few students needed to plan the test days ahead, ensuring that batteries wouldn’t bite the dust in a test or remaining over at a companion’s or relative’s place with better power and web network. In some cases, this included making a trip to the closest town and composing tests in digital bistros. The greatest concern isn’t composing the test, yet transferring it. The transferring cycle includes taking images of each page of the appropriate response sheet and examining them, compacting them to the necessary size, and transferring them. A solitary page once in a while takes a decent numerous minutes to be checked and packed. Increase that by 30-40 pages. Duplicate the dissatisfaction as well.

The parity holds tight having a sufficient smartphone, power, web availability, and no specialized glitches on DU’s part. Delhi University made too many slip-ups. There are reports of a division neglecting to enroll itself for the online tests making understudies pause, while they took a shot at the issue. Questions were transferred before the test or thirty minutes into the test, transferring an inappropriate inquiry being some of them. DU’s online portal crashed regularly during the time of exams. On one event, when even the varsity’s email crashed during paper accommodation, a nodal official requested that understudies mail the college their complaints. Reports of students transparently cheating in their WhatsApp bunches with some being compelled to share answer contents for the sake of companionship have likewise surfaced.

The Delhi High Court noticed that around 50 percent of the students are not taking the online tests and has guided the college to direct the pen-paper exams soon. DU has declared that pen-paper exams will start from 20 September. This doesn’t clear the wreck Delhi University has made of the issue. Indeed, it makes it messier. Presently there are inquiries of in the event that it will be conceivable to announce the OBE results before the pen-paper exams so that those disappointed with their OBE results can retake their tests in the disconnected mode.

Additionally, by what means will the varsity settle the subject of the various measuring sticks for the two modes and smooth out them to a typical checking framework. It is protected to accept that the students who didn’t give the online tests don’t have the assets for it. This incorporates the students belonging to the EWS, ST, SC, OBC, and PWD classifications. Most occasions, these classifications cover and intersect with the geographically marginalized regions like the North East and Kashmir. For them, the disconnected mode isn’t practical either. About portion of DU’s student population is from outside Delhi.


Moreover, students are paying unnecessary PGs rents and hostel fees. And if students choose to forego the tests so as to maintain a strategic distance from the hazard to their lives and that of their families and as a result of monetary impediments; the choice will appear as though an indiscretion after the pandemic finishes and the urgency for work develops due to the exacerbating financial conditions. We will undoubtedly observe an ascent in emotional well-being issues among the understudy network in the following, not many months.

Delhi University has let it’s students down. Presently because of no fault of theirs, a few students will get their degrees later than their colleagues or won’t get them at this year; denying them of equivalent chances and making imbalance dependent on conditions and financial partitions. All on the grounds that the college couldn’t react to the challenge thrown by the pandemic in a more ingenious and productive manner.



Neha Dhingra: A curator of random information which only makes sense in retrospect.