DU Students recount the problems of Online Classes after reopening

Source: Hindustan Times

Delhi University students discussed the shortcomings of online classes soon after the resumption of physical classes. Thus, the majority of the complaints were about patchy networks, connectivity issues, and a shortage of laptops and mobile phones. Hence, the online classes that continued for 2 long years troubled a lot of DU students.

Here are some complaints about online classes explained by DU students:

Ritesh Kumar, a DU student from Bihar stated that his family faced a shortage of laptops. Thus, he explained how the online classes of him and his siblings coincided. So, with only one laptop in the house, not all the siblings were able to attend classes. Also, Ritesh added that there were often power cuts in his area which hindered digital classes.

A masters student from DU, Soumya explained that many of her batchmates couldn’t attend due to connectivity issues. She said that she is privileged to have a phone as well as a laptop. However, not all her classmates are that financially stable. PRAAT software is used in her course that is only accessible on laptops. Hence, a lot of students had to suffer as online internals without laptops wasn’t possible.

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Another DU student named Shubhan stated some disadvantages of online classes. Thus, he clarified that the majority of the students put their mics and cameras off and don’t even listen to the lectures. But, this won’t be a case in physical classes as DU students will now have to pay attention.

A full stop on online classes:

After constant protests, the University of Delhi finally reopened on 17th February 2022. Thus, all the elated students attended classes and the attendance was pretty promising. Also, the attendance is supposed to increase as outstation students will also be joining in large numbers soon.


Rashi Sharma: An optimist who loves good coffee and good books! Rashi can express better in writings rather than speaking.