DU SOL Result 2022 | Check BA and BCom students here

DU SOL Result 2022
Source: NDTV

DU SOL Result 2022; Delhi University’s School of Open Learning released the result of the SOL UG and PG courses which was conducted through OBE/ ABE/ EBE / Offline mode. Therefore, appeared candidates can check the results on the official website of SOL i.e., sol.du.ac.in.

The School of Open Learning has activated the result link on the site. The results are out for various Undergraduate and Postgraduate courses. Further, you will observe separate links to different courses available on the website. Courses include BA, BA Hons, B.Com Hons, B.Com, MA Pol, MA Sanskrit, MA History, M.Com and such. 

The candidates can easily check their results by clicking on the link, then the new page will open. There you can add your roll number and date of birth to view your respective result.

DUET PG 2022 Exam Dates out, begin from 17 October | Check here

DU SOL Result 2022: List of Courses

Here, if you have appeared for any of these courses, then the result is out on the official site. Courses include:

  1. UG Semester 1 (OBE) exam- B.A. Eng. Hons-  B.A. Pol Science Hons.            B.Com Hons.                                    B.Com
  2. PG Semester 1 (OBE) exam-              M.A. Hindi.                                            M.A. History                                                  M.A. Pol science                                      M.A. Sanskrit                                      M.Com
  3. PG Semester 4 (Offline mode) exam-    M.A. Sanskrit                                        M.A. History                                          M.A. Pol science                                          M.Com
  4. UG Semester 6 exam-                                  B.A. Prog.                                          B.Com Hons.                                          B.Com
  5. UG Semester 4/2 (ABE) exam-                 B.A. Eng. Hons.                                            B.A. Pol sc. Hons.                                        B.Com Hons.                                            B.Com                                                          B.A. Prog.
  6. UG  Semester 3 (OBE) exam-               B.A. Eng. Hons.                                            B.A. Pol Science Hons.                                B.Com Hons.                                        B.Com                                                      B.A. Prog.
  7. UG Semester 5 (OBE) exam-                 B.A. Eng. Hons.                                             B.A. Pol Science Hons.                               B.Com Hons                                         B.A. Prog.

DU Placement Drive to begin on 24 Sept | Register now




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