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Source: Lakshmibaicollege.in

The University of Delhi, DU Lakshmibai College decides to build Yagyashala to solve the rising problem of pollution in Delhi. For this, the college has a holistic site in the line of Gokul village. So, the college is setting up a Yagyashala on the premises of Gokul, where the Yagyas will conduct for purifying the air. 

Pratyush Vatsala, the principal of DU Lakshmibai College said, “The Gokul village will connect students to its culture. Also, students have respect for the Gokul village”. “The learners can visit and relax their mind at the site. And, can overcome their stress and worries. That’s the reason students call it ‘Go Cool’ in English,” he added.

Further, a hut, pond, swing, and a temple are under construction to build Yagyashala. Moreover, for the first time on the campus, it has Eco Park. Many ducks and rabbits are inhabiting this Eco Park. Additionally, daily Havanas will be performed in Yagyashala. On which, the Principal said that yagna improves the quality of the air and that is the aim of their college. 

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Du Lakshmibai College Conducts Daily Chanting Bhagavad Geeta

Proper research and study are done to perform Yagnas in order to purify the surrounding air. Further, for a long time, the Lakshmibai College has been associated with Sanatan Dharma rituals. As a result, the college conducts daily chanting of Bhagavad Geeta and also holds Sunderkand Path once a month. Moreover, every student, teacher, and employee is welcomed in this program.

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