High Court announces that mode of the exam (online, offline or blended) has to be differentiated from a type of exam. Can presentation etc be online? That’s not what we planned said the UGC
The Court further asked What is the status of the petitions before the Supreme Court? Adv Apurva Kurup for UGC replied that the Petitions are likely to be recorded this Friday or Monday. The petitions before the Supreme Court challenge UGC advice to colleges to mandatorily perform final year exams.
Court authorizes UGC to place in a sealed cover the report deferred by Prof Kuhad. UGC said that Graduating students on the purpose of past performance is not an option.
Court implores UGC to examine if answer sheets can be assessed by the college itself and an assignment is provided to aspirants online. UGC says Not a problem as long as the sanctity of examination is retained. When we say online, we indicate clocked examination. When people take assignments home, sanctity is not maintained.
Further Court proclaims that At the end of the day, the percentage of students who would cheat would be minimal. Students who would cheat can accomplish so even in hard exams. Three hours is not. Open Book Exam (OBE) has so many issues. UGC replied that They can embark blended form
Court told to Look at the condition. ICMR says that it is going to peak in November. How do you require them to perform an offline exam by September? UGC replied that It is not only an offline examination.
Counsel for Petitioner questions that many colleges have opted for creative mode of examination encompassing MCQs etc. The established model is very time taking. OBE is prima facie troublesome, explains Petitioner. UGC added that The Division Bench is seizing care of the timeline of the examination. A schedule is being established.
Court further asked Why is UGC saying that the exam has to be performed and then it can only be offline, online, or stirred? Now you are telling it should be timed. What if DU expects to conduct MCQ based? UGC replied that MCQ can be done. It is authorized. Globally, numerous exams are MCQ based. UGC further added that Whether DU needs to have MCQ based or not, it is up to them. I can’t resolve it. We never authorized DU to delay their examination.
Counsel for the intervenor gives rise to his compliances. There was an analysis amongst the students. The sample size is 232 students, tells Intervenor. Majority ie 149 favored a declaration, assignment established examination. 28 favored OMR based. An irresistible majority expected the exams in August itself. Most were against timed online examination. The majority never heard behind from the grievance officer said the Intervenor.
Delhi High Court starts hearing petition worrying online open book examination in #DelhiUniversity for final year students. The petition is documented before Justice Prathiba Singh. The issue was earlier heeded by a Division Bench on the element of delay in the conduction of examination.
Entirely useless to have a timed examination. We live in the heart of Delhi and there was no electricity or connectivity for hours due to the rain said by the Court
Understand the number of writ petitions that are getting to come here due to a multitude of purposes after OBE in August. DU will be attempting with it for years. I think the administration has declined and students are undergoing Court added.
Senior Adv Sachin Dutta for DU explained that You don’t require the internet continuously. You just require it to download and upload. We are working day and night. There is no supplementary way. Court further asked How are others doing it? There are more than 200 universities. They have all completed it.
The court said that This exam requires minimum 4g connectivity. Senior Adv Dutta replies 4g is not required. Your brochure says so: Court
The question paper will come to your inbox said by the Senior Adv Dutta. The guidelines appeared in the 11th hour. We felt more time was expected to comply with them told the Senior Adv Dutta on why exams were postponed. Your own FAQ says 4g is recommended: Court. Senior Adv Dutta confided that 3g will be fine. As long as you can open your email. Counsel for Petitioner notified that There is no 3g in Kashmir. Assam has flooded. Court announced to Give them two days to write the exam. How much is the 4g penetration in our country? Court asks Central Government, Why did you give a direction to DU to postpone? Adv Sunieta Ojha notified that There was a meeting and there was only an advisory to suspend if they were not prepared.
Our preference is health. The mode has to be appointed by the University itself said the Centre. Court asked the Centre to Bring the advisory on record. Centre mumbled that There is no written advisory. DU has to evaluate its own preparedness.
Senior Adv Dutta explained that the Question paper will be provided to each student. Court begins dictating the order, notes the submissions made by the parties.
What aspect of examination (OBE, MCQ, assignment, etc) is there is the first part of the guideline asked the Court. UGC replies that It is a general statement. Mainly for intermediate exams. Para 1 of the April Guidelines documents the type of examination that can be carried by a college. Can a college opt for an online assignment based examination for the final year? UGC authorizes all types of exams as per para 1 asked by the Court
UGC confesses that they will take instructions
Court asks UGC to contemplate and state whether the options of MCQ, assignments, presentation, etc are accessible to final year students. UGC to illustrate the intention of the April guidelines on the July Guidelines for conduction of final year examination.
Court identifies that unlike universities across the world, DU has not been assisting its students.
There is cynicism in the petitioners said by the Senior Adv Dutta. There is no variation internally between MHRD and UGC notifies by SG Mehta
Matter to be heard on Friday at 2.15 pm.