DU Exams: Delhi University has informed Delhi High Court that have decided to commence the exam schedule for final year students on July 27 and conclude the same by Aug 31.
Court also highlights that it will not step into the shoes of the University to decide which mode of examination should be adopted for conducting the exams ‘We are not inclined to go that way’, the court says.
Court detaches from the batch of matters a petition seeking a direction to Delhi University to adopt modes other than OBE for conducting exams. Court has directed for the said petition to be transferred to a Single Judge.
Court further reiterates that it will not interfere with the University’s decision to adopt a particular mode of conducting the exams, whether online or offline. ‘That issue is not in contention in the matters which are placed before us’, court says.
Delhi University has chosen to initiate the exams plan for final year students on July 27 and finish up the equivalent by Aug 31. Final OBE exams will be conducted from Aug 10. DU will later submit an affidavit stating a fresh date for declaration of results and conducting physical exams.
DU has decided to commence the exam schedule for final year students on July 27 and conclude the same by Aug 31. Final OBE exams will be conducted from Aug 10.
DU will later submit an affidavit stating fresh date for declaration of results and conducting physical exams
— Live Law (@LiveLawIndia) July 14, 2020
The court has granted time till Aug 17 to DU to submit an affidavit stating a fresh date for declaration of results for online exams as well as for conducting the physical exams.