Delhi University kick-started its end semester exam 2021 from June 7, i.e. Monday. The exams are organized for the final year students of all the undergraduate, postgraduate, and NCWEB courses. Thus, as per statistics, approximately 35,000 students appeared on Day 1 of the exams and successfully submitted their answer sheets.
A DU official reports, “35,000 students uploaded their answer sheets on the portal and there were no submissions via email.”
DU end semester exam 2021- No technical glitches reported:
The dean of exams D S Rawat informs that no technical glitches were reported. Thus, the whole examination procedure went off smoothly with no complaints from any student. Also, no submissions to the nodal officers were made on Day 1 of the end semester exam 2021. Thus, the whole procedure went smoothly.
Feedback by students on Day 1 of the end semester exam 2021:
Arpit, a final year BA student happily said that the whole process went well with no problems. Only one of his classmates witnessed a bit of an issue while uploading answer sheets. However, it was resolved quickly and was submitted on time.
Shaswat Verma, a final year student from Kanpur says, “Open book exam is a time-consuming procedure.” The question paper takes a few minutes to download and a major chunk of time is wasted in scanning and uploading answers. Thus, scanning each and every sheet, conversions into PDFs and uploading is a hassle. Also, internet speed poses a vital issue as the network is not good in many places. However, the student agreed that the end semester exam 2021 is smoother than last time.
The dean, DS Rawat says that the DU administration has worked hard to eliminate all the glitches and provide students with a smoother portal. Last time during the December OBE, many students complained about failure in uploading answer sheets and question paper not getting downloaded. But, no such problems were witnessed this time. The dean even said that the final year students want to finish their exams soon. Thus, being mentally affected by covid-19 horrors is out of the question.