Delhi University’s change in the rule for Other Backward Class students has left colleges worried. The university has said that students seeking admission under the OBC category will have to produce certificates issued only after March 31, 2018. Till 2017, students could submit certificates that were issued up to a year ago. Colleges have objected to the move, saying it will affect the university’s prestige and result in chaos and confusion.
DU Admission Committee member Akhilesh Kumar said that the certificate must be based on income tax returns of the previous year. “We allowed students to submit income certificates of the previous year during application but during admission, they have to submit either a fresh certificate or a recently issued document that endorses the older certificate,” he said while addressing college principals and representatives. This additional certificate must have the reference of his/her original caste certificate.
The principal of DeenDyalUpadhyaya College S K Garg said, “… This is going to result in chaos. One should visit the offices and see how difficult it is to get the documents. This endorsement is not possible. Kindly retain the April 1, 2017, date and save the prestige of the university.”
DU reserves 27% seats for OBC category applicants (non-creamy layer, central list). Colleges have to ensure that a student’s caste is included in the OBC central list as well as the list notified by the Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment. A college representative said, “What happens to those whose OBC certificates were issued in January/February?… No officer will provide a new certificate to them for the next six months.
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~Preksha Mishra