Delhi University affiliated Mata Sundri College for Women lost two of its faculty members battling against covid-19. Thus, both deaths took place within the time span of 5 days only. Harpreet Kaur, the principal of Mata Sundri College stated about the demise on Friday, 21st May 2021.
DU is constantly losing its academic talents to covid-19. The pandemic and its subsequent crisis are hard on everyone now. At the College, Chetan Jassal, an assistant professor from the commerce department died on Monday, 17th May 2021. Soon after, Dr. Amarjit Kaur, an assistant professor from the Punjabi department died battling covid on Friday, 21st May 2021.
Statement of the principal of Mata Sundri College:
Principal Harpreet Kaur is grief-stricken after the loss of two of her professors within a week. She states, “The incident is very saddening. Losing a faculty member is a personal loss as they are associated for a long time.” Thus, the constant loss has shaken the hearts of everyone at Mata Sundri College.
Also, the principal did talk about the after-effects of this pandemic. People are suffering endlessly and their loved ones are getting snatched away from them. Mrs. Kaur says, “Two of the faculty members at Mata sundri have lost their husbands. Also, many members have lost their parents.” The principal herself did lose her father to covid.
The unexpected death of Amarjit Kaur, the professor at Mata Sundri college:
Amarjit Kaur, the Punjab professor lost her life yesterday. The college principal was constantly in touch with her husband while she was battling against covid. Also, the college even arranged injections for her. However, the professor lost her life yesterday and the administration was informed today.
As per DUTA, more than 50 faculty members have lost their lives until now. Thus, covid-19 has really taken a toll on everyone.