DU Admission set to go online; Process likely to start on April 2

du admission

The most awaited time for every secondary school students is here. Delhi University, which carries millions of dreams of students , the specific reason for which some students try their best, the only crossroad for middle class students to fulfil their dreams is back again with its admission procedure in 2020. Although it gives a worth remembering cut offs every year, this year too the very intelligent students of India would be there with us in the campus. Back again to the time when this university gave such talented actors, politicians, cricketers this year also students will come along with a new sparks in their eyes. We can never find something tiring specially when it comes to chase our dreams.


Putting all the tensions aside, new students would be planning about their admissions. In order to burst all the tensions of the students, making the entire process online was planned and proposed in a recently held meeting by the admission committee. The admission portal and the pre admission procedure would definitely start on April 2.


The admission process includes filling up of forms, selection of courses and payment of fees. Students interested in whatever field can mark their respective course. This process would be conducted on online basis.


So here comes the actual thrill through which all the students have to go and survive to their freedom. After the online procedure , while the students would be waiting for the cut off round, on the other hand being mentally prepared for the admission run like a marathon is must. That’s the time where students would actually feel like they are going to be the part of college. They have to run form pillar to post in order to get admission in the college within three days of the cut off round. After the cut off the following three days would be permitting the students to apply in the college in which they perfectly fit according to their percentage.


Besides the admission committee, a separate “dean of admissions” is also set up for the year 2020-21 which is headed by Shobha Bagai. The admission committee has also been created comprising 15 members which will be headed by the chairman of Dean Students Welfare(DSW) Rajiv Gupta.


As studying in the Delhi University is a dream for most of them, students usually come from various parts of the country and abroad. Parents and students face a lot of problems during admission. So, online procedure is a plus point for the students that they do not have to run from pillars to post. After the cut offs are out, the students have to select a college which will perfectly suit their percentage according to the cut offs, preferred subjects, scanned documents and they need to pay the fees online. Once the students are done with this procedure, they would be given a month to go to the college and get their documents verified. However some more suggestions would be taken by the officials as proposals would be submitted in the academic council. After this, final approval will be implemented soon.

~ Kanika Khatri


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