On Monday, India’s first driverless metro was started on Delhi Metro’s Magenta Line. The Delhi Metro train steered by next-generation technology ran from Janakpuri West metro station to Botanical Garden metro station of the 37-km long Magenta Line.
While initiating the nation’s first driverless train operations on Delhi Metro, PM Modi said his administration has taken rising urbanization an opportunity. And further contended that metro train services will be expanded to as many as 25 cities across the country from the current 18 cities by the year 2025. With the beginning of these new-generation driverless trains, the Delhi Metro network has arrived at the select league of 7% of the world’s metro networks which can run without drivers.
Delhi University pupils, Riya Sharma (18) and Gurpreet Kaur (17) were also delighted about their metro ride. Kaur was quoted saying that they are impressive as it is not just Delhi Metro’s first driverless train but the first such train of India. She further stated that she did not feel much of a difference, from a regular metro train. Sharma was quoted in the report saying that it was her first metro journey since the Delhi Metro services were adjourned due to COVID-19 induced lockdown.
According to PM Modi, the launch of the driverless train on Magenta Line and the start of the National Common Mobility Card facility on the Airport Express Line (also inaugurated by him) are an endeavor to make urban development future-ready.