The University of Delhi will assess and evaluate the answer sheets of students who appeared for the open book exams in digital mode. Delhi University online OBE exams for final year students began from August 10 and will end on August 31.
Dean Examination Vinay Gupta said that the evaluation process of scanning the OBE answer scripts of students is going to commence soon. The University will evaluate the scanned answer scripts of students sent via email or on portal electronically or will be assessed in digital mode by their respective professors.
He added that the University will provide access to the portal to the teachers and examiners. The college will further make essential arrangements if the teachers wish to assess the answer sheets in college itself.
Vinay Gupta further said that examiners and teachers after evaluating the answer scripts will submit their results on the portal to further record it for declaring the results. However, some teachers have asserted their concerns related to the process of evaluation of OBE answer scripts online.
A teacher of Rajdhani College, Dr. Pankaj Garg said that there are possibilities that the pages might have swapped while scanning the answer scripts or while uploading. So the professors will have to be extra careful while assessing those sheets. She added if any page comes out to be blurred, it would get very difficult to connect it with other pages. As the connection to the series of sheets will be lost due to blurred images.
Number of Students appeared for OBE Exams
Over 2,07,064 and 3,35,382 students of Delhi University NCWEB and SOL appeared for OBE exams on the portal. While over 1,81,539 and 2,72,673 students of NCWEB and SOL respectively have submitted their answer scripts. The Delhi University has stated that the above-mentioned figures indicate the submissions made on the portal. The submissions made through email are over and above.