The result for 10 more courses has been out by the University now. The students can check their results of the previous odd semester exams on the official website of Delhi University. After a long wait of 4 months, the University finally start releasing the results. Earlier, the University has released the result for English Hons, and now the result of 10 more courses is available on the website.
Students were worried about there result as they have to wait a lot this year. There was a delay in result this year, firstly due to DUTA strike, The teachers refused to check the answer sheet of the students as they were on the strike and secondly, this global pandemic that is spread of the coronavirus.
Now due to some relaxation in lockdown by the government, the University has decided to release the result of the remaining courses.
Students may check their results on the official website of Delhi University . Go to the site, click on the result option and the new window will open, enter your roll number to view your result please note that the website is taking a long time to open due to web traffic.
All the best for your result
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