On 15 May 2020, the University of Delhi, Examination Branch wrote a letter to the Dean, Head, and Principal Director of SOL and NCWEB.
The letter asked the Dean, Head, and Principal of SOL and NCWEB to provide the information of the students belonging to the Divyang(PWD) category for the Final Semester/Term/Year for the Academic Session 2019-20.
The letter asked all the concerned person of SOL and NCWEB to furnish detailed data pertaining to the students of Final Semesters/Terms/Final Years falling under Divyang Category particularly visually impaired registered with Faculty/ Department/ College/Centre/Non-Collegiate Women Education Board by email to examviiconduct@gmail.com and data pertaining to School of Open Learning(SOL) to exam.soldu@gmail.com.
The Dean, Head, and the Principal of the School of Open Learning and Non-Collegiate Women Education Board are notified to submit the data of PWD students latest by 27 May 2020. The notification letter has provided a Performa for the Department/College/Faculty/Centre/Non-Collegiate Women Education Board and has asked to provide the details as per the performa.
The notification has been issued to smoothly conduct the proposed alternative examinations in the upcoming months for students under the PWD category.
The notice further directs to assign a person from the Faculty/Department/College/Centre/School of Open Learning and Non-collegiate Women Education Board to contact those students to know about their stability after 25 June 2020 with the name of the station and position of the facility of internet for downloading and uploading answer sheet’s, if required.
Moreover, it ascertains and takes responsibility that the university will provide full support and required facilities as per norms and policies meant to deal with these students so that they can attempt their exams comfortably and with the utmost ease.
All the information regarding the date sheet and guidelines will be delivered to their registered mobiles and email IDs. For any other detail related to examination, University has advised the students to visit the official website of the University of Delhi.
The notification moreover provided the email address of the examination branch so that the students can email their queries on the mentioned email IDs.
Students have been advised to email their queries to examviiconduct@gmail.com and in the case of SOL students exam.soldu@gmail.com.
The notice further asserts that the internal examinations and additional practicals as per the notice of the Dean Examinations dated 13 may 2020 should be proceeded as per the guidelines.
~Priya Nagpal
Link to the above Official Notice: http://www.du.ac.in/du/uploads/COVID-19/15052020_Letter-PWD.pdf
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But alot of students don’t have the laptop or may be it’s poor signals of network. So that’s why please cancel this order