The Delhi University is told by the Delhi High Court to accept the demand of students to change its name. The Delhi University had insisted the student first get his name edited in the CBSE records. The DU records will be updated after that. However, Delhi HC said that this is asking for the impossible. Stating such a requirement is not justified.
The student has passed his 12th standard in the year 2018. He demanded a change in his name a year later in 2019 while he was studying at Delhi University. Justice Jayant Nath who headed the case said that asking the student to get his name changed in the CBSE records is not accepted and is definitely a misplaced requirement.
Delhi HC mentioned that it’s wrong on the side of DU to demand something impossible.
The student who demanded a change in his name is Rayaan Singh of Hindu College. He sought to change his name in DU records to Rayaan Chawla.
DU notification of 2015 said that the concerned student needs to first show the change in the certificate issued by the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE). This notification mandates the same to get the name changed in the DU varsity records.
The parents of the student got separated in 2007 and divorced in 2015. He mentioned in his plea that he didn’t have any kind of constructive relationship with his father throughout his life. Thus, he wanted to adopt the surname of his mother and change from the present one.
The declaration of changing his name is already published in 2 newspapers and also the Gazette of India.
On this, DU said that the concerned student had enough time to change his surname between the period 2015 to 2018. As his parents got divorced in 2015 and he passed his 12th standard in 2018. This is the reason that Delhi University opposed the plea.
The Delhi HC said that when the petitioner gave his 12th exams, his original name was registered as Rayaan Singh. The documents were issued on this name by the CBSE.
Thus, the Delhi HC rejected the claims of Delhi University to get the name changed in the CBSE certificate. As he had already passed in 2018 as Rayaan Singh, now it cannot be changed.
High Court said that asking the student to do the same is unacceptable and impossible. Justice added that the law will not ask the petitioner to fulfill a misplaced requirement.
He added that the change in name is with effect from August or September 2019, and the 10th & 12th CBSE documents were issued before that. Here DU cannot force the student to get his name edited in CBSE documents.
Justice Nath said in these circumstances it’s impossible for the petitioner to show the change in the 10th and 12th certificates.
To avoid any kind of confusion, the Delhi HC directed the university authorities to show the changed name alongside the earlier one. This will evade the confusion between CBSE and Du certificates. The name in DU records will be shown as changed name alias earlier name.
The degree provided in the future must have the changes updated in it. Thus the Delhi HC directs the university to change the name accordingly.