This year due to the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic, The Board of Technical Education (BTE), the Government of Delhi has decided to cancel all the semester exams for diploma courses, which also include final semesters exams. Moreover, the students will be marked on the basis of their previous year marks and internal assessment.
50 percent weightage will be given to the internal assessment of students, while the staying 50 percent will be on the basis of marks obtained by a student in the most recent year’s last assessments, As per a report by The Indian Express.
The report mentioned an official notice by BTE which added that if in any of the earlier semesters, students have compartment or back then they have to clear the exams which will be conducted once everything is normal.
The BTE has further added in the notice that students who are pursuing diploma courses can also appear in the exams if they are not satisfied with their results. They can improve their marks in any of the subjects under promotion criteria. They will be able to give the exams whenever the current situation improves.
The notification likewise said that students who have a compartment in any of the past semesters and have finished their course term + 2 years residency according to BTE governs in May/June 2020 will be given one year’s extra an ideal opportunity to qualify their confirmation for all the semesters.
A three-year diploma course is provided by the Delhi government in technical education through a number of Industrial Training Institutes (ITIs) and other affiliated institutes.
The Delhi government recently informed the Supreme Court about the exams in universities in Delhi has been canceled.
Manish Sisodia, Delhi Deputy Chief Minister, and education minister have mentioned that the written online and offline semester examination is canceled in all Delhi State Universities including final year exams.
A month ago, the Delhi government chose to drop all the forthcoming semester and final year tests in colleges that go under its ward.
Manish Sisodia, Delhi Deputy Chief Minister, and education minister said that the final year students will be granted degrees based on evaluation techniques chose by colleges, while the first and second-year students will be promoted to the next semester.
The Delhi government questioned the rules of the College Award Commission (UGC) that expressed that the tests could be held in on the offline, online, or “mixed” mode.