On Tuesday, 2,199 new coronavirus cases in Delhi has been added in the list of COVID-19 cases to 87,360 in the capital of India. However, the strength of the recovered patients from the disease is 2113 and 58,348 discharged patients were declared in the city-state. As per the data circulated by the state health department, there is a total of 26,270 active COVID-19 cases till now.
On Monday, 2,084 COVID-19 cases have been recorded in the capital city, a crucial decrease from the 2,889 COVID-19 cases recorded on Sunday.
However, there is an increase in the number of containment zones in Delhi. On Tuesday, 440. 9,585 samples were examined through RT PCR mode. With the help of Rapid antigen testing technology, 7,594 tests were executed in Delhi.
As far as the accessibility of beds for treatment of patients of coronavirus disease, a joined number of 14,243 beds were accessible in three unique offices such as dedicated COVID health centers, dedicated COVID hospitals, dedicated COVID care centers as against 7,831 beds involved by positive patients. Home isolation is suggested to 16,240 positive patients.
The health department has issued a health bulletin. According to that bulletin, the government of Delhi has issued an order to all the Delhi hospitals to update their current bed capability in a way to improve the number of beds. They are planning to increase the beds with ventilator installation.
For the constitution of teams, another order has been allocated to supervise reviews at the privately operated and the government-run hospitals for an immediate estimation of the prevailing capacity, associated aspects, and patient care amenities of the COVID care capabilities in Delhi.
As per the order, the three teams of medical experts are hired by the Union health ministry and they will execute surprise and formal inspections at several hospitals that are providing treatment of COVID-19 in the state-city, officials noted by PTI said.
The order further mentioned that each of the three teams will have professional experts from the directorate general of health services in the Union health ministry, AIIMS, and Delhi government and civic bodies