Breaking off the extended suspicion about the conduction of semester-end examination amid the pandemic lockdown, the Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur administration has terminated the semester exams and promoted the students to next semester.
The students were in a state of doubt, whether the exams would happen or not, and what would be the mode of conduction of examinations. IIT Kanpur has given solution to the students, by non-conduction of semester exams.
The institution has also developed a unique marking scheme which will be based on students’ midterm examination performances to grant marks of this semester.
“We have agreed to close the recent semester and all the students will be evaluated on the basis of their performance in mid-term exams, projects and assignments, and other such norms”, Abhay Karandhikar, Director of the institute posted on his official Twitter account. However, no students would be exempted from passing the examinations if he/she had a bad performance in the past exams, assignments, and projects assigned, he stated.
The IIT Kanpur administration has decided to make a classification of students in the categories A, B, C, and S.
Grade A, B, and C will be provided to the students on the basis of prior performances of half-year exams and projects. Grade S will be granted to the students who performed below average. S stands for satisfactory performance.
Mindful of Students, who are passing out from the institute in this semester, the administration department will also grant credit relaxations to last semester students. This relaxation will ensure that students graduate at due time. The whole procedure from promoting to providing grades to students, it is expected to be completed until the end of June.
The unprecedented lockdown imposed nationwide due to COVID 19 crises has greatly hindered studies and careers of the pupils in an inappropriate manner. Apart from shortening the semester and workshops of students, the lockdown has also negatively impacted the job prospects for this year’s passing students.
The school students of classes X and XII have also suffered in this fatal year. CBSE and different state boards are not able to take the examinations till now. The remaining 29 subjects of the CBSE Board examination will be held from July 1 to July 15, 2020. This was informed by the HRD Ministry.
Earlier, IIT Bombay has declared to end its spring semester which was scheduled to start from June. The institute has also rearranged its schedule for summer vacation from 1 April to the end of May. The summer term is, not a formal semester. However, during a summer term, an educational entity may offer a program to enable students to clear backlog courses and/or regular credit courses.
Entries for the next batch are believed to be open from September, based on UGC norms. Moreover, the IIT entrance exam – JEE Advanced will be held on August 23 and the result, proposed IIT-Delhi (which is the exam supervising body this year), will be announced within a week. It also recommended the conduction of six rounds of counseling instead of seven.