CBSE 10th results have been announced today. Over 18 lakh students had appeared for it. 91.46% of total students have passed the examinations this year. An increase of 0.36% is noted in class 10th results in comparison to last year’s 91.10%. Girls have outscored boys this year with a pass percentage of 93.31 while the pass percentage for boys is 90.14%. Around 41,804 students or 2.23% of students have scored more than 95% marks in CBSE 10th results this year.
The CBSE 10th results have been published on the official websites of the Board at Students can also check their CBSE class 10th results at and After-result updates such as availability of mark sheets and certificates will be sent to students through DigiLocker. Once the mark sheets and pass certificates are sent by CBSE, DigiLocker will confide students of it.
Direct link for Checking CBSE 10th results 2020:
Other than the official websites, the official UMANG websites also provide access to the CBSE class 10th results. The results can also be checked through IVRS and SMS.
Assessment Scheme by CBSE 10th Results
The examinations of class 10th were slated to be held in February and March. It was postponed due to the COVID-19 pandemic midway. Later on, it was decided by the Board to cancel the pending exams. The students are assessed on the basis of a new evaluation scheme.
The CBSE Exam Controller Sanyam Bhardwaj claimed in June that, the average of the marks obtained in the best three performing subjects will be awarded in the subjects whose examinations have not been conducted. This will be done for the students who have appeared in the examinations in more than three subjects.
Whereas, the average of the marks obtained in the best two performing subjects will be awarded in the subjects whose examinations have not been conducted, for the students who have appeared in the exams in three subjects only.
The assessment will be based on practical work and class projects for the students who have appeared for only one or two exams. Students who are from Delhi mainly, have an option of appearing for written exams at a later date.
As announced in the 12th results, CBSE is expected to conduct an optional examination. This examination will be conducted for the subjects whose examinations were scheduled to be conducted from July 1 to July 15, 2020. As decided by the Central Government, the optional examination will be conducted as soon as the conditions get stable.