On Wednesday, Delhi CM Arvind Kejriwal said that the recent surge in the number of coronavirus cases in the national capital can be called the third wave of COVID-19.
He said that there has been a rise in COVID-19 cases. This can be called the third wave of COVID cases there. The government is monitoring the situation and will take all necessary actions since there is no dearth of beds in the hospital and medical infrastructure.
While he was in Hiranki village to inspect the effectiveness of the bio-decomposing process of converting stubble to fertilizer, Arvind Kejriwal made these remarks.
Kejriwal said that in all farm fields in Delhi, they sprinkled bio decomposer chemical by PUSA Institute on October 13. After this, all the stubble has been converted into fertilizer, thereby giving a solution for stubble burning. He hopes this would be the last year when everyone is tolerating air pollution.
He also said that farmers do not want to burn stubble. They will also inform the Supreme Court about it. This solution should also be adopted by other state governments. It took only Rs 20 lakh to sprinkle this solution in Delhi.
Arvind Kejriwal also said that a decision regarding the use and sale of firecrackers will be taken soon.