The students of Delhi University have started writing letters to the Ministry of Human Resource Development, University Grants Committee and many political parties like AAP, Congress and BJP regarding the conduct of the examinations of final year students. Due to the COVID 19 crises, it is not possible to conduct exams of all the students of respective years. The students have called this situation as a part of unprecedented times. So, they are expecting from the government to take some unprecedented measures. They are suggesting to cancel exams of final year students and promote them on the basis of internal assessment. Their main reason regarding this appeal is that the current environmental conditions are not suitable for them to sit for an exam.
Reasons for cancellation of exams: There are many other reasons which is also mentioned in the letter. They are facing pressure from various sources such as social, professional and academic.
Students should be promoted on the basis of their internal assessment: When the UGC made a decision regarding the academic year and the guidelines to be followed for internal assessment, final year students recommended to cancel their exams and promote them on the basis of their previous record. Internal assessment may include 50% of marks and the rest 50% should be evaluated on the basis of their previous five-semester result. Moreover, it was stated that in view of the terminal year, students have of course put their best efforts. That is why a 10 per cent increase in the average marks derived from previous theory assessment should also be granted to the students so that their GPA is not affected and they can make up form their lost year or semester.
Teachers are not trained to take online lectures: Even though online lectures are being conducted by the students, still some are not able to access adequate internet, laptops and online textbooks. In spite of teachers conducted online classes, they can not replace physical books and lectures. Some students are unable to understand what the teacher is teaching in the online lectures as they themselves do not adequate knowledge to teach through the internet. This resulted in the negligible outcome of the online classes for the students.
Inadequacy of study material: The most prominent disadvantage which is faced by the students is that some of them have returned to their hometown during the mid-semester break. Due to this, they do not have books, notes, and other study material. This is some unavoidable uncertainties regarding their masters, jobs, and all the future planning and also the inability to meet their peers and teachers to clear off their doubts.
Domestic violence faced by the students: Some students are even facing domestic violence which has affected their mental health and those students are not capable to appear for the examination at any cost. Since Delhi University offers education to all the parts of the country and many districts and states are the active hot spots of coronavirus included Delhi, it is not possible to predict when the cases shall recede in these places.
Improper infrastructure: Social distancing is the foremost solution to avoid these problems and traveling is the biggest challenge for the students, it is not safe for the students to appear for the exam. Moreover, the infrastructure is also not equipped to cater to the norms of social distancing so that exams could take place.
Carrier of the virus: There are many students whose family is suffering due to coronavirus and this pandemic is affecting a huge number of people. It is not safe for those students to travel and there is a risk of being affected. As if that student is the carrier of the virus, it may affect other students also.
Further study form abroad: There are many students to are planning for their further studies from abroad and their semester will start in September. If exams would be conducted in July, there would be much delay in the commencement of results which may lead the student to pursue their masters in the following year.
Job security: There are certain students who have been already received placement offers are set to work from July. If exams would take place at that time, it would pay a huge impact on their job security.
So these are certain reasons put up by the students to cancel their exams.
~ Kanika Khatri
Book: Delhi University B.Ed. Joint Entrance Exam 2020