Aligarh Muslim University entrance exams

The last call would be taken, depending on the current scenario

As the University of Delhi is planning to hold an online open-book examination, now similarly, AMU (Aligarh Muslim University) is going to conduct exams for the last years’ undergraduate and postgraduate students. 

The examination committee of AMU had a meeting, in which the above-stated method announced. After the meeting ended, the supervisor of exams issued a notice to the deans of AMU and HODs. 

In the notice, it was written: “ If the problem does not seems to be proper in view of COVID-19 pandemic and to ensure the protection and health of the students, the university may accept alternative procedures of examination that are online or open-book examination (OBE) for final semester, term, year of all UG and PG students of all programs and streams along with arrears/backlog courses of prior semesters/term/year.”

 The AMU administration had also cleared out that the ultimate decision regarding the conduction of examinations will be taken, after inspecting the current scenario. 

Also, last year students will receive a notice on the ‘confirmation of exams’ at least 20 days prior to the exams 

The annual last term examinations have been postponed to this academic period because of the spread of the coronavirus pandemic in our country.  The institute had earlier declared openly that they will be executing the examinations for final year students of postgraduate and undergraduate courses from July 1, 2020.

The students and the faculty members of Delhi University have rejected the proposal of “Open Book Examinations”, still Aligarh Muslim University has tried to come up with this alternative tool of exams’ conduction. Students and teachers considered the consequence as “discriminatory” as they indicated the absence of infrastructure facilities- modem, router, smartphone, laptop- available to students endeavoring exams on the basis of virtual mode. 

Reopening of the hostel: Yet to be announced

The notice stated that all those students who have left for their home already, would not be accepted in the hostel premises due to safety measures. 

The date announcing the resumption of the hostel facilities is not disclosed until now as the coronavirus spread has not entirely kicked out of the country. They ensured that last year students will get the information soon. 

Adding further, they told students not to make travel arrangements to come back to the campus before the declaration of final judgment by the authorities on the mode of holding exams for the session 2019-2020 last semester students as traveling can result in hazardous health concerns.

The University has also asked the students to stay calm and alarmed. They need not panic and should not believe in unauthentic news. Also, the candidates are required to check the official website to get the latest updates. 

Despite opposition, the Delhi University announced that the exams are temporary planned to begin from July 1 for 2.4 lakh final year students, including those admitted in the SOL and Non-Collegiate Women’s Education Board.

The exams will be organized in three shifts a day for various courses and would assess the knowledge and rational skills of pupils.




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