Vice-chancellor Prof Vinay Kumar Pathak announced that Final year B Tech, B Phama, MBA, M Tech examinations of engineering and management colleges affiliated to Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam Technical University will start from initial week of September. The aspirants will be provided with MCQ based examination.
Vice-chancellor Prof Vinay Kumar Pathak explained that For the first time final year students’ academic enactment will be assessed on the basis of the OMR (Optical Mark Recognition) sheet. It will ensure quick evaluation so that results could be announced in a short time. This year there will be no easy category question-answer examination.
The university will perform the theory examination in offline mode (pen and paper) in three evolutions of two hours rather than normal three hours. All practical/project viva examinations are formulated to be conducted between August 1 and 21.
The examination of the extended papers of the last year’s understudies will likewise be led alongside the customary examination. The admit cards of the understudies will be conveyed by the organization ideally online.
All the associations having last year’s aspirants will be self-center for theory examination. then decisions were seized at the academic council meeting of the University seized on Monday.
Pathak said that as they have exercised to MCQ based examination, they have lessened the duration of examination to two hours each as it is smaller time-consuming.
As per the standard exercise, the university will elect external examiners for the practical subjects who will perform the viva using online protocols like Zoom, Google Meet, or another meeting app.
Any aspirant, who is not prepared to attend the final assessment of the project viva, will receive an extra attempt.
Any aspirant who wants to improve his/her marks will be provided one attempt
in the following academic year. Students can appear in examination of that topic in the next academic year-end semester examination