The Akhil Bharatiya Vidyarthi Parishad (ABVP) has launched a new helpline for Du admissions. This helpline will help students with their admissions to Delhi University (DU). The aim is to support students during the admission process.
Objective of the Helpline
The helpline will help students with various parts of the admission process at DU. This includes filling out forms and understanding admission criteria. It also answers any questions students may have. The ABVP knows that the admission process can be confusing. The helpline will make this process easier.
Support for Students and Parents
The helpline is not just for students. Parents can also use this service if they have questions. The ABVP wants both students and their families to understand the steps involved in getting a place at DU. This support aims to reduce anxiety and confusion.
Availability and Accessibility
The helpline is available every day, even on weekends. It is available 24/7 for students and parents. This ensures students and parents can get help whenever they need it. Experienced volunteers who know the DU admission process staff the helpline. They can handle many types of questions and provide accurate information.
How to Use the Helpline for DU Admissions
Students and parents can call the helpline for assistance. The student organization said on Monday that those seeking undergraduate admission may call on 8188830088, 7827994163, 8957646572, or 88256149. For postgraduate admissions, two helpline numbers have been provided: 9667874087. The contact details are shared on ABVP’s social media and official website. Callers will be connected to a volunteer who will assist them with their queries. Email inquiries are also answered promptly and thoroughly.
Response from the Community
The community response to the helpline for Du Admissions has been very positive. Students are thankful for the support. They say the helpline has made the admission process less scary. Parents also appreciate the initiative. They find it provides valuable information and peace of mind.
Future Plans
The ABVP plans to keep this helpline service running throughout the DU admission season. They are also thinking about offering this service to other universities in the future. The success of the helpline at DU shows there is a need for such support services. The ABVP is committed to helping students and parents with university admissions.
The ABVP’s helpline for DU admissions is a timely and helpful service. It gives needed support to students and parents, making the admission process smoother. As the admission season goes on, the helpline will assist more students. This initiative shows the ABVP’s commitment to education and student welfare. It sets a good example for other organizations to follow.