On 08 July 2020 Akhil Bhartiya Vidyarthi Parishad released a notice in which Akhil Bhartiya Vidyarthi Parishad blames the Delhi University administration for its downfall on multiple fronts including the evaluation and examination of final year students and for creating problems consistently for the students in the turbulent times brought upon us by the COVID-19 pandemic. They said that DU Administration has consistently forced students to stay in examination mode, harassing them mentally with the uncertain circumstances created by the failure of the university’s policies disrupting their future plans. Delhi University had in past deferred the examinations by 10 days owing to its incomplete preparations and it has been forced to postpone the examinations again due to the insufficient preparations and glaring drawbacks in the website created for the Open Book Examinations and adopted as the mode of evaluation.
Akhil Bhartiya Vidyarthi Parishad had informed the DU Administration of the issues being faced by the students in March itself, even before the lockdown was implemented and had asked for their redressal. ABVP had not only brought to the administration’s notice the issues being faced by the students, but it had also suggested a wide range of solutions. ABVP had suggested assignment based evaluation, in-house examinations, multiple-choice based examinations among different modes that can be explored for the evaluation of students, but the administration did not deem it fit to even consult with any of the stakeholders and thrust a tough assessment method like the OBE upon the students.
Akhil Bhartiya Vidyarthi Parishad added that the University Administration has aggravated the problems faced by those students who have been placed as of now or those who have to go for further studies by further extension of examination dates. ABVP demands that this situation brought upon by the sheer incompetence of the Delhi University Administration must be tackled by deliberating upon and implementing options like assignment based evaluation and this environment of uncertainty be brought to an end. Other reputed universities like JNU, Jamia, and Ambedkar University are proceeding towards the successful evaluation of students through similar modes while the sheer incompetence of the Delhi University Administration has jeopardized the future of our students.
DU must explore and acknowledge methods of evaluation that are convenient for the students. The University must not enforce any such option which puts even a single student at a disadvantage. DU must complete its evaluation procedures at the earliest by assignments thereby letting students focus on their future, Explained by Sidharth Yadav, State Secretary, ABVP Delhi.