As elections approach, AAP released its Manifesto on Thursday affirming some vote pulling promises including 85% quota to residents of Delhi seeking admission in the colleges of the city, free education from nursery to 12th standard and guarantee of admission to even those students who have attained 60% marks.
The decision of 85% quota will surely gratify the inhabitants of Delhi but is queer as per experts. Officials and former principals expressed their dissent quoting that the state cannot decide whether it wants to give 85% quota to Delhi students in DU affiliated colleges. The former principal of Miranda House, Pratibha Jolly, said that “implementation of such decisions was unconstitutional even after the city attains full statehood”.
“All DU colleges are bound with the statutes and ordinances of the Delhi University Act. To make any changes in the functioning and policies of these colleges, we need to amend the DU Act in the parliament. All these are merely electoral rhetoric and nothing else,” said Pratibha Jolly.
Even in the state-funded colleges reservation of seats is unfeasible, said Kavita Sharma, former principal of Hindu College. She added that “The Delhi University, being a central university treats all education boards alike. Even the Delhi Government funded colleges in DU cannot reserve any seat for the Delhi students because they have to abide by the mandate of the central universities.”
The only way the state government can effectuate such a decision is by building more colleges and affiliating them with the state universities which are under the control of state government.
The implementation of any quota would also invite the Central Government’s intrusion.
When questioned about the ‘free education’ enlisted in the manifesto, a senior party member responded that the statement implies on only government-run schools. At present, education in government schools is already free up to class 8thwith fees of Rs.10 per month for classes 9th to 12th, which AAP proposes to obliterate.
Added asseverations in the manifesto encompass regularization of guest teachers which has been a wrangle. Also, the government vowed to open new engineering and medical colleges and also erect new schools and colleges. “For the realization of the promises made, full statehood is required,” said a member of AAP.
Reported by The DU Post
~Preksha Mishra