A course in which you will learn business administration and acquire an in-depth knowledge of all commerce subjects depending upon the specialization you take up. A post graduation is a very precarious decision which should be taken with extreme caution. Following are the points which should be in your checklist when opting for MBA as your post graduation:
Your graduation degree is a value addition to the knowledge and personality that you gained in your school , so should be your post graduation. You should find a connecting link between the course you opted in your under graduation and MBA. And ask yourself that would it be a value addition in my profile if I go for an MBA? You should be clear with this thing inside you! If not, choose what you can connect to its best.
For a student going for a post graduation, cost consideration is a must do analysis. No doubt MBA is a costly affair, so take a look at your financial position as well. You can go for various education loans also, but keep in mind that you would have to give a big share of your earning to the lending bank for up to 3 years after your MBA. Hence a cost-benefit analysis is inevitable.
Yes! It is true, if your are opting for MBA as your PG course then there is no space for the laid back attitude for even a second. You have to work really really hard to fix your steps in the corporate world for at least 5 years down the line. It would be a bye-bye to your late night parties, trips, and all the masti which you enjoyed in your under graduation( I hope you have enjoyed it).
Whether or not you are an economics student, you have to understand the nutty-gritty of economics to get through your MBA, without this subject you cannot sail through. So if you can endure economics as a subject as well as a routine, then only try your hands in it.
Your communication skills should be more than average as MBA offers managerial level jobs, and a Manager has to be good in communication and of course a good leader as well to handle his subordinates and the work assigned. The role of a Manager is to keep intact his human resource so that the organization can have better results. So if you cannot ask a girl/boy for a cup of tea then forget it!
An MBA student should be politically, economically, socially, technologically aware of its surroundings. He/she should be cognizant of the scenario in which your country is and also which activities can have an impact on the functioning of the economy. In short, you should be a newspaper, magazine, or any current knowledge blog Reader( on a very stern note), so that you can connect to the case studies taught during MBA. Do not procrastinate reading Newspaper on “we will read it in MBA college itself”, you cannot develop your reasoning and connecting threads methodology overnight. So get set go and read if you are going for an MBA.
MBA is a managerial level job, hence carries a good pay. Agreed! But don’t pursue this just for the chase of big packages and perks. India is a global village and there are a lot more ways to earn money and also in any sector you love! So don’t force yourself to be a machine for the rest of your life until and unless you actually want to explore the corporate world.
By- Surbhi Aggarwal