The HRD Ministry has launched an expenditure of Rs 60,000 crore over five years to give digital devices to four crore students in higher education. As Covid-19 is unmasking the digital range in education.
In the period of Covid-19, The Commission had called the meeting to discuss education. On Monday The HRD Ministry made this prognosis in a presentation to the 15th Finance Commission
The branch of higher education has recommended giving devices such as laptop and tablet computers, mobile phones, and television pieces of equipment to approximately 40% of the students enrolled in colleges and universities by 2025-26.
Presently, there are nearly 3.75 crore students enrolled in higher education associations. In the first year, that is 2021-22, it schedules to cover 1.5 crore students, pursued by 55 lakh in 2022-23, 61 lakh in 2023-24, 67 lakh in 2024-25 and 73 lakh in 2025-26. The ministry has assumed an average cost of Rs 15,000 for each digital device.
Of the Rs 60,000 crore, the government’s proportion is pegged at Rs 36,473 crore over five years. The staying is suggested to be carried by the state governments, as per the ministry’s proclamation.
Given that even after it is deemed safe to return to the classroom, it won’t be a return to what was considered normal, the ministry has also sought funds to develop more content for online learning. A supplementary Rs 2,306 crore has been implored to improve courses for the ministry’s educational channel (SWAYAM Prabha) and MOOCs outlet till 2025-26.