About 15,000 Seats Left in fourth cutoff list : DU UG Admission


Delhi University on 13 July starts admission under fourth cut off list for the remaining 15,000 seats. Many colleges have re opened popular courses with seats still available in them after withdrawals. Also, there is a drop of 5% in cut off for many popular courses.

For Economics :

Economics was closed for admission at 14 colleges, Kirori Mal College (KMC), Kamla Nehru College (KNC), Lady Shri Ram (LSR), Miranda House, Sri Venkateswara, and SGTB Khalsa.

But 23 colleges, including Hindu, Hans Raj and Ramjas will continue with admission for Economics

Four colleges, including Shyama Prasad Mukherji and PGDAV have reopened admissions in the course after withdrawals.

For B.com:

B. Com is closed for admission at 15 colleges, including Hans Raj, Hindu, KMC, and LSR. But at 39 colleges, including Ramjas, Sri Venkateswara, and Indraprastha College for Women, admissions in the course will continue. Kalindi College has reopened admission to B Com at 92%.

Shri Ram College of Commerce had closed admission for both B.com and Economicsin the second cutoff list.

For Humanities:

  1. English:

Cut off has been dropped by 2% in 35 colleges including LSR, Miranda. Gargi College and Satyawati Evening College has reopened the course for admissions under the fourth list.

  1. History:

There is 3 % drop in this course. 22 colleges including KMC, Hansraj, Ramjas and Sri Venkateswara will continue with admission in the course. Daulat Ram and LSR reopened the admission for this course.

  1. Political Science:

KNC re opened the admission. Also, 25 colleges will continue the admission at this course., including Ramjas, Venkateswara.

For Sciences:

The cutoff for Chemistry, which is open for admission at 12 colleges, has dropped by up to 1% point, with highest dips at Dyal Singh College and Zakir Husain Delhi College. Hans Raj College has maintained their cutoff at 95.66%, same as third list.

The highest dip for Mathematics, which is available for admission at 22 colleges, was at Lakshmibai College, where it dropped by 1.25% points from 93.5%. It has re-opened for admission at six colleges including Kalindi, ARSD, and Dyal Singh College. The cutoff for Physics dropped by two percentage points and it has re-opened for admissions in two colleges including Kalindi. Female applicants from Delhi NCT were supposed to be automatically eligible for NCWEB seats, however, some students had unchecked NCWEB as an option.

DU has now said that all female students who have applied for BA Programme and B Com courses for regular colleges will be considered for admission to NCWEB.

– Prachi Agarwal


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